Sam Gordon

Sam Gordon is the proud Brooklyn-born son to two immigrants to the U.S.A. and currently resides in Washington, D.C. where he pursues analog photography, writing, and music. He focuses on bringing lesser-known psychedelic and pop music to more mainstream prominence through his trusted Technics 1210 Mark II turntables or flamenco guitar. He was a recipient of a Fulbright Research Fellowship to Morocco where he lived in the ancient Fes Medina and researched Sufi brotherhoods, folk ritual, Gnawa music, superstition, and sorcery as an investigation into the world of djinns. Sam spends a good amount of his time practicing community-organizing disguised as diplomacy, designing and facilitating workshops connecting civil society activists, independent journalists, entrepreneurs, and educators with technologists to tackle complex social issues around the world. He can often be found rummaging through thrift stores, flea markets, and record shops during his travels to find new grooves and gems.