Hubblo Immersion

The Life of Trees

River Pavilion

This 360-degree, full-dome immersive film will transport spectators into a universe of original narrative and compelling multimedia content for all ages. Produced for the United Nations international year of forests, The Life of Trees is an amusing animated 3D movie for the whole family, raising awareness about the value of trees and their indispensable influence on our planet.

Feb. 24 - Mar. 3, 2024


In partnership with Canadian company Hubblo Immersion which specializes in immersive content worldwide, REACH to FOREST will present two 360-degree, full-dome immersive films that will transport spectators into a universe of original narrative and compelling multimedia content for all ages.


The Life of Trees

(25 minutes)

The Life of Trees is the archetype of edutainment as it is entertaining and educating at the same time. This animated 3D movie was produced for the United Nations international year of forests, it is amusing for the whole family and raises the awareness about the value of trees and their indispensable influence on our planet and the preservation of nature.

NOTE: There will be a box office at the River Pavilion for purchase of Immersive Dome tickets on site.




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All events and artists subject to change without prior notice.